

Sunday, May 18, 2014

May 24th

Quote- "Change happens by listening and then starting a dialogue with the people who are doing something you don't believe is right." JANE GOODALL

Demi's words- There are over 7 billion people in this world, yet each of us has only one brain and one set of values and opinions. No matter how educate, compassionate, kind, open, and willing we are there are still going to be plenty of times when we are wrong. We can't get self-righteousness about our values and shut out other opinions belief systems even if we don't agree with them.

Goal- Stay open-minded, be comfortable with being wrong. Broaden your horizon with interest. It's more beneficial to you to open your mind and consider a different perspective.

I am open-minded about life but at times it is hard to stay open-minded when you have so many things you need to handle and you question your strength and being able to handle the stress of life. I am currently experiencing a journey that is very emotionally exhausting and hard physically and emotionally. I am learning how to stay open-minded throughout the process and I am willing and blessed to go through recovery because I know i'm eventually going to die if I don't get help. Life is a lot and sometimes it's tough but as long as you stay open-minded and willing to take others advice I will eventually realize the only person that can save me is myself.

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