

Sunday, May 11, 2014

May 15th

Quote- "You have the capability to change your life all with a simple shift in perspective."

Demi's words- Sometimes my day start badly and I start to get down and frustrated, I even think, forget it- the day is ruined. It feels terrible and can cause me to be cranky or to lash out, which affects others. I have learned that I can restart my day at any point. I simply sit quietly and reboot. I choose to shift my perspective and tell myself that the day that lies ahead of me is full of wonderful blessings and opportunities. I list ten or more things I appreciate in my life and that usually shifts my mood. once my mood shifts, my entire day shifts like a chain reaction.

Goal- Start a day gratitude notebook. List ten things you are most grateful for on a daily basis.

It can be hard to come to terms with the fact that you can change your day when it starts out badly or something bad happens. When you have depression or if I have binged/purged I automatically think that the whole day is ruined because I binged and ate so much. With depression it is difficult to change your thoughts because your mind is so tainted with negative thoughts and it is hard to get out of those dark thoughts. Having the ability to change your day at any point is a great thing to realize and can definitely shift your mood if you think positively.

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