

Wednesday, April 9, 2014


Drowning in guilt once I realized what I've done
all those wrappers around me
have no idea how they got there
then I realize what those wrappers were filled with
terrified and disgusted with myself
i'm so fat
no self-control
Dominated by my own mind
scarred and poisoned
now way to make it go away
somehow clinging to the brink of life
while being pulled down by my demons
just waiting for the right second
when I slowly lose my grip to existence
when I get too tired
i'm holding on to life
as if I was hanging off a cliff
while the consequences are much greater
a mountain lion is wanting his needs met
which do I choose?
satisfy my demons or satisfy myself?
i'm still hanging on
until I see a person rescuing me
from the pain and anxiety
that my demons slowly crept into my brain
or until the mountain lion
finally loosens his death grip on me
drowning, drowning
faster, faster
lost under the sea
now i'm emaciated
under the sea
too late I say
you're too late to save me
Demi Lovato
my lover
she keeps me breathing
just knowing I get to see her
in 40 days
my eyes are dark
my eyes say it all
when there's an unmistakable
smile on my face
faking a smile
so no one asks questions
unbearable pain
unbearable emotions
this is where the blade comes in
draining the toxins
slowly but surely
now feel numb
like when you're put under for surgery
hot and cold
fire and ice
heaven and hell
self-destruction and happiness
totally conflicted
between life and death
my soul has been ripped
out of my chest
my demons have taken over
cold blade
silent ears
empty soul
stop I said
trying to understand
you will never get into my head
you will never know the real me
murphy is nowhere to be found
my demons are awake though
waiting to take another
innocent beings soul
really alone
so scared
help me please
oh wait, i'm beyond saving
can't explain
what I want to say
instead of speaking
to the voice in my head
that says don't
your words aren't important
warm beach
cold ice
voices still there
all day
all night
can't escape
the voice where my demons lie
can't escape Ana and Mia
where we are glued together
like two pieces of a broken heart
i'm a lightweight
don't say a word
I know you despise my whole being
for no reason in fact
i'm a lightweight
better be careful what you say
keep me from falling apart
i'm invisible
wanting my light to shine
as soon as someone
has access to my light
I suddenly want to be invisible
did you forget everything we ever had?
don't forget
please don't forget about me
burned bridges
a broken heart
tired of fake people
who are uninvited
go away
you don't deserve me
i'm going to find my way again
i'm gonna love you
like I don't need saving
tonight, tonight i'm letting go
I want you here
I hate you
go away
undeserving soul
I want you here
to save me
from my demons
I hate you
don't leave me
I feel like I can't breathe
i'm pieces
you complete me
confusing brain I live in
I can't explain
I need your life
to help me understand
scared of myself
evil self
angel who is a blessing of a soul
somehow my evil self takes over
my angel soul
is nowhere to be found
losing control
who are you trying to take away my secret?
it's more than a secret
it's my world
my salvation
my sanctuary
that is mine and mine only
fuck off
this is my caged and destructive world
leave us alone
we don't want you here
don't leave
I need you
can't you see?
i'm broken and scarred
I need to feel alive
help me
thank you, I knew you'd always be there
your warm embrace
words wrapped up in a blanket
trying to not them in to my world
secrets and lies
that's me
she doesn't mean it
this isn't her
trust me
she's not this kind of girl
lovely salvation
broken into pieces
control and security losing it's shine
don't take away the only thing
that keeps me breathing
who's worthy?
who's loving?
who's trusting?
no one, exactly
why would I open up my secret to you?
you think it's fake
can I keep going?
it's not like you would notice
I don't know what to say
my words are controlled
by a being much stronger than me
this is not me, you see
this is the devil
slowly taking me away
"go away"
she cries
when she says that
she wants you desperately
to stay
to comfort her
and say everything will be okay
dirty toxins
my sins are gone
the devil
doesn't want anything in me
so I can slowly die
and go with him
heaven or hell?
which do I choose?
i'm not sure I believe
whatever that means
god is dead
while the devil is wide awake
nothing is working here
I don't understand
my mind being controlled my demons
I can't take it anymore
razor crying out for blood
comfort, like the comfort of a baby blanket
tears roll down her emaciated cheeks
turning to her razor
she has no friends left
winter is cold leaves falling off a tree
warm gloves and children playing
i'm inside destroying my ragged broken soul
empty soul
empty bowl
broken heart
tears fall
can't save her
she's already dead
hot concrete
ice cream drips off the child's arm
water splashing
she hides her demons
with a smile
art is a way of expressing
what you can't in words
disguised in black for demons
red for blood
too much to say
drawing is easier
easier to disguise
flowers blooming
cool breeze
this is spring
neon lights
lovatic's all around
the fandom is broken
because of demi
life is like a battlefield
you either win
or die trying
to hold your head above water
when all you want to do is drown
can't breathe
chest tightening
heart pounding
can't speak
can't move
this is anxiety
love is like a sweet flower
two fingers locked together
together now
but not forever
love is sweet
love is kind
love a unique emotion
we often long to find
funny thing you said
isn't so funny anymore
now I have a secret
that no one can find
it's written all over my body
written in red
that's still pretty funny isn't it?
all love is broken
hearts are broken
love is so hard to find
now it's all gone
sting once
sting twice
bleed once
bleed forever
lovely scars
it's not that bad, you say
you have no idea what I endure
every day in my own mind
tidal waves pulling me under
I could be totally lost in the sea
you would never know
because i'm not physically deteriorating
but I was mentally gone
long ago
it's amazing what you can hide just by putting on a smile
pretty soon
my physical body will catch up just wait and see
they're on their way to the last part that makes me human
uh, oh too late she's dead
"We had no idea" they said
you could have saved her
you were too naïve to see
demons always start at the mind
then send more
draining the life
flooding with poison
life is a lesson, a mental illness doesn't have to be physical

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