

Wednesday, April 2, 2014


Can we trade souls?
My soul is nowhere to be found
My soul is dark and scary
I would like to switch
with a soul that is worth trading
Wasting away, bruised and broken
lost and scared please save me before
I completely lose myself
In a dangerous obsession with skinny
Please help me i'm really scared
I don't want to lose this
But I know if I keep going I will be among the living dead
Please help me before I waste away
So cold, oh so very cold
mom says because you're not eating enough
dad says put on a jacket
I say ok,
but what they don't see or don't know
is a skeleton broken body
they can't take my secret away from me
Death ends a life, not a relationship I feel that what your life and how it is kind of forms relationships with and people you move towards. If your life is bad or somehow destructive you tend to go towards those people who understand you and they make you feel less alone... if your life is happy and upbeat you move towards people that make you happy and continues to fill your life with positivity. People who have destructive lives actually know how to smile better than anyone else.
Depression feels like a thousand 10 pound weights
weighing you down
sometimes I like depression
others I hate it and I just want to be normal
Ana sits around in my head all day
she says a lot of nasty things
when you hear something said to you
for so long you start to believe it
unfortunately that's what happened to me
whoever thinks this is a choice, I just want to be thin
I would never do this in a million years if i just wanted to be thin
I wouldn't hurt my family the way i'm doing
I wouldn't hurt my friends the way i'm doing
i'm not that kind of person
blood, pooling on my skin,
the moment of numbness
the moment where you feel broken
the one and only thing that can repair you
and bring you back to life again
is a razor
Can't concentrate
all thoughts on when I get food
help me i'm losing my mind
i'm really scared
shaking and sweating
starving for food
I don't want to die
help me before I lose my mind
go home,
eat, throw up
eat, throw up
eat, throw up
scared of myself
help me before I totally lose myself
Diet dr. pepper
my saving grace
keeps me from eating
keeps me from disappointment
when I see all these wrappers around me
Fingernails blue
my existence slowly fading
my existence isn't worthwhile
scared of my own existence
but I don't want to die
Phone almost dead
Have to get into my other fake reality
besides music
I keep saying you don't understand
i'm telling the truth, maybe you try
but can't you see that isn't enough?
Do you understand what it's like to be stuck in a self-destructive mind?
do you understand what it's like to feel numb to your emotions?
do you know what it's like to feel like everything's going to go wrong
if you decide just this once
to try to be a normal human being
and lift the fork to your mouth?
Do you understand what it's like
to have the sight of blood
and the number on the scale going down
gives you a a high like an alcoholic
no, now do you see why you don't understand?
Cutting is my drug
bigger and better than any illegal drug
better to feel high like you're on drugs
than deal with your emotions
no one understands me
that's why I love people who are the same species
been lost and lonely for so long
I just want to be with people who understand
my way of coping
with this crazy world


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