

Sunday, April 27, 2014

April 30th

Quote- "Singing is a way of escaping. It's another world. I'm no longer on earth" EDITH PIAF

Demi's words- Since I was a young child, my voice always allowed me to escape and find bliss wherever I was. Everyone has their own bliss in life and it often occurs when you lose yourself in the moment by completely immersing yourself into something.  Just like Edith Piaf, I find when I sing, I tend to soar and forget everything else.

Goal- Find what makes you happiest and allow yourself to soar beyond the clouds even when your feet planted right here on earth.

I haven't really explained this in any depth at all or even talked about this before, I don't even think I should but I will because maybe someone has their own escape or experience "disassociation" in some way. I cartwheel as my escape or my form of "disassociation" it allows me to disengage from life and just focus on this other world inside my head. I've always done this, I remember I started when I was in 5th grade and that was when emotionally I was struggling and I guess that was my bodies way of dealing with it. My escape used to be cheer but now that i'm not doing it anymore my first thing I thought of was cartwheeling.

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