

Sunday, April 27, 2014

April 28th

Quote- "Most of us, I believe, admire strength, it's something we tend to respect in others, and desire ourselves, and wish for our children. Sometimes, though, I wonder if we confuse strength and other words like aggression and even violence" FRED ROGERS "Mr. Rogers' neighborhood"

Demi's words- Too often people confuse strength with violence. I think the kids who bullied me, and bullies in general, are hiding from their true pain by exerting a false sense of belittling others. If more people honor their feelings and admit to feel weak, sad, powerless, then they would have the opportunity to start healing. This kind of openness takes honesty and courage.

Goal- Be strong today for yourself or someone else.

I find it hard to understand what Demi says here, I understand people cope differently with their emotions, but for me I would never inflict my own pain on anyone. I would never say anything to anyone that didn't do anything to me because I never know if I would be the person to push them over the edge. Even to my worst enemies I would never, ever wish my pain or my struggles on anyone. I guess it's different strokes for different folks but it doesn't make it right or fair at all.

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