

Friday, April 18, 2014

April 26th

Quote- "It's so important to listen and be open to the wisdom of our ancestors. We should respect the teachings and words of those who came before us"

Demi's words- Looking back at history, there are so many incredible, inspiring stories from our own family trees and from our history books that we just take for granted. But those people paved the way for where we are today. It's important not only to learn form them but to remember and show respect and gratitude for all that they have done for us

Goal- Open up a history book or find a historical figure online that you know nothing about and learn something new. While you're at it, ask someone in your family about one of your great-grandparents- find out who they were and what they believed in.

I have to be honest I don't really like history, I don't find it interesting at all but I think it's cool how we learn through world geography and social studies classes how history has changed and how fortunate we are able to have to society we have compared to decades ago. I remember when I interviewed my grandpa for a social studies project and learning about him and where he came from was really cool. It showed me how brave and courageous they were to live in that time period and i'm privileged and blessed to live in the society and world I live in today.

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