

Friday, April 11, 2014

April 17th

Quote- "How I feel about myself is more important than how I look. Feeling confident, being comfortable in your own skin- that's what really makes you beautiful" BOBBI BROWN

Demi's words- Nobody else has exactly what you have; you were given your body and your features, so be grateful you have them. My friend Spencer West has gone his entire life without legs, but that hasn't stopped him from truly living his life. Now, when I start to critize my body, I think of Spencer's incredible strength and realize how lucky I am to have legs at all. If he can stand tall without legs, so can I.

Goal- Place yourself in someone else's shoes and appreciate what you have.

I need to learn to appreciate the things I do have because a lot of people are not nearly as blessed as I am. It is true that confidence is the most important thing, with confidence you don't care how you look and that's all that matters. Confidence determines everything now matter what your size.

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