

Friday, April 18, 2014

4 day weekend

I have a 4 day weekend because of Easter, my dad's home today and he's never home on a Friday! Also on Sunday were having a family gathering over at my house for Easter and i'm excited to spend this day with them because this Easter it's different, my aunt and uncle live in Colorado and we always used to go over there to hunt eggs and brunch. Also when I was a baby I heard this from my dad that we would go to my grandpa's ranch for Easter, this year it's totally different and i'm not sure how I feel about it. I love that we're still carrying the tradition of getting all together but it's just different than I remember it being since I've been born and i'm not sure I like it. Easter now is even more scary like every holiday is but i'm scared how much chocolate i'll get and how much i'll have to eat on that day candy and regular food with my family. I want to have fun but with all this change and anxiety I don't think i'll be able to fully enjoy it but i'm with my family and that makes me happy and that's what matters the most to me. I love my family more than anything but they're anxiety triggers for me and i'm really trying to figure out why but I honest to god can't think of anything. I love spending time with them so I don't understand why I feel anxious whenever we have a big family gathering. Now were on the topic of anxiety yesterday was spring fling which is basically just a fun couple hours where we get to do whatever we want. There was a student staff basketball game and a hotdog eating contest! a bunch of different games and in the commons there were bouncy houses and it was really fun! I didn't have a lot of anxiety going into it but when it was actually time I started getting anxious because I don't know i'm just not good with that kind of stuff but as soon as I saw my friends and we were laughing and talking I started to calm down. what I realized is most of my anxiety comes from opinions of other people. I know that I have to stop comparing and wanting to be like others and fit in but i'm with my friends that I care a lot about and love hanging out with it so why should I care what other people think? I've always been like that for as long as I remember but I think when I moved from maize to andover that's when I started to notice the social anxiety surfacing. Spring fling was super fun and I had a blast with my friends and i'm actually looking forward for next year!

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