

Saturday, March 8, 2014

march 6th

Quote- "Cherish the moment"

Demi's words- Live in this moment right here, while you're reading this book, it is all you have. You have yourself and your life today, which is all you ever need. We spend so much time focusing on the past or our future that we forget how blessed we are to still be surrounded by beautiful things.

Goal- Try to live in the moment. Appreciate the life you are living right now and how blessed you ar e to still be alive today.

It's so true, I spend my time worrying about the future or dwelling on the past wishing everything was different but I am blessed to live in this moment with a roof over my head, and having a good education. Yes I don't have the most fantastic life but does anyone? I've learned a lot these last few years especially when I was at good sheperds and that is I am blessed to be alive and I am in this world for a reason even if it because of my issues, I worry a lot about the future but all I can do is live today knowing that I'm doing the best I know how.

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