

Sunday, March 2, 2014

February 27th

Quote- "For to set the mind on the flesh is death, for to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace" ROMANS 8:6

Demi's words- As someone who has dealt with an eating disorder most of my life, I have spent so much time focusing on what was on the outside rather than what was on the inside. In a way I was dead on the inside. When I started focusing on myself, who I really was, I started to cultivate a loving relationship with myself. It was only then that I was able to feel confident and beautiful in my own skin.

Goal- Focus on what you have inside that makes you beautiful. List 5-10 nonphysical things attributes of yourself that make you the spectacular human that you truly are.

For me, I focus on too much of what is outside my body, I sometimes forget that I have a inside because I feel hollow and numb from ED who has trapped me. I'm learning in order to take care of myself mentally and realize my strong points. I have to take care of my physical body.

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