

Sunday, March 2, 2014

February 26th

Quote- "Nothing is impossible; the word itself says "I'm possible" AUBREY HEPBURN

Demi's words- What is possible in this life is relative to what you're capable of. As we expand our knowledge and consciousness, we continue to grow, and the things we thought were not possible suddenly become attainable. The more we are encouraged to expand our knowledge and our perceptions about how things work in our lives, the more we are to accomplish.

Goal- Put your mind to a chore a task today. Turn impossible into possible. Make a list of ways your biggest dreams can one day come true.

Don't give up, that's what I got out of this quote. It's all about your mindset, if you think negatively you'll always think the impossible and vice versa. It's hard but it's important to change you mindset to have a better perception of what is and isn't possible.

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