

Sunday, March 2, 2014

February 25th

Quote- "No matter what you have been through in life, good or bad, don't take it for granted. There are lessons in every moment of our lives"

Demi's words- Each of us leads unique lives with experiences that nobody else will ever completely understand. Your story holds so many valuable lessons that can help inspire, teach, and motivate someone else should you choose to share it. In treatment, I heard so many different stories just by listening. I'm so thankful I found the courage to share my story and talk about what I've been through. Not only has it helped me, but it's helped give perspective and strength to so many other people. I encourage you to do the same.

Goal- Share your story with someone. You never know how one sentence of your life story could inspire someone to rewrite their own.

Something that is good from going through something terrible is that you get to share your story. My goal in life through what has happened to me I want people to feel less alone with whatever their going through, to me that is the best reward ever.

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