

Saturday, February 22, 2014

February 19th

Quote- "Mistakes are nothing more than opportunities to learn, grow and better our future.

Demi's words-  It's so easy to beat ourselves up for mistakes we've made in the past. Mistakes are part of being human and they are part of being alive. Our mistakes are blessings and opportunities to keep learning and expanding. But even when you learn from your mistakes don't expect to never make another. You will and that's okay.

Goal- Keep growing and embrace each challenge as a chance to learn something new and you will be amazed by how easy it is to move on.

I kind of feel like this quote was made for me today, I was having a little of a rough day. I was missing cheer because we had a pep assembly today and the cheerleaders and trojanettes performed and it reminded me of how much I miss being a cheerleader athlete. I don't want to be a softball athlete or a track athlete I want to be a all-star cheerleader athlete. But at the same time I love where I am right now I love the theatre group i'm in and this is the most solid place I've been in a long time, it's just hard cause my friend right when I left joined the gym and I just think I could've been with my best friend but I didn't cause I wasn't brave enough to stand up to the bullies. Which I know is irrational because for the longest time but maybe I could've stood up for myself a little more. I don't know I don't regret what i'm doing right now but I miss being a athlete.  I have definitely learned from cheer and I will translate that into what i'm participating in now and also in the future whatever i'm doing.

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