

Friday, February 21, 2014

February 18th

Quote- "Confidence starts with beauty. Beauty begins from comfort within"

Demi's words- I've been to parties where I've seen these really gorgeous girls hiding in the corner afraid to talk to anyone. I can tell they're insecure. Maybe they don't think they're pretty enough or don't think they have the right outfit on, but it immediately dims their inner light. To me there's nothing more attractive then someone owning who they are in the skin they're in.

Goal- Find what makes you comfortable and confident. Remember how special you are and wear it with pride!

I'm very insecure and I think what demi said was interesting because I don't show that side of me, it's all behind closed doors. Whoever knows i'm insecure either knows me really well or my family. Most people around me when i'm anxious or uncomfortable no one knows about it. I put on a face that's confident when inside i'm drowning in insecurity.

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