

Friday, February 14, 2014

Febraury 12th

quote- "See the inner child in everyone"

Demi's words- Sometimes when i'm frustrate or annoyed with someone, I remember that they were once a child. I close my eyes and I visualize how they must have been when they were little and reopen my eyes, all I can feel for the person is love and compassion. Whatever happened to make them act they way they are no longer matters; it's their innocence that prevails, and I have no choice but to be humbled in their presence.

Goal- See the potential for good in everyone and have compassion for your foes. Remember that you never know what happens behind closed doors. Therefore, have mercy on their actions. They are in pain themselves.

I have a friend who has lied to me about my issues that i'm currently struggling with and she pretended like she had the same problems as me. I was sad and so mad at her because I felt like she was mocking my issues like i'm wrong for having the issues I have. When she explained to me ewhy she did what she did I realized that she did have good intentions but it obviously didn't happen in the right way. There is not an excuse for what she did at all but I forgive her because she wants the best for me and she meant well even if it was a wrong way to come about it.

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