

Friday, February 14, 2014

Febraury 13th

quote- "Don't wait, the time will never be just right" NAPOLEAN HILL

Demi's words- Sometimes we wait for exactly the right moment to do something. I found that this whole waiting thing can delay our happiness. Most of the major moments in my life occurred because I pursued them. It doesn't mean that sometimes something wonderful won't just magically happen because it will, especially if you're doing the work and thinking positively. But sometimes in life we have to just go for it and take a risk.

Goal- Take your first big step forward something you keep telling yourself to wait on.

This is really interesting, I have been waiting for the right time to start school sports again because of my 7th grade cheerleading experience. I was traumatized from that experience among other things and in middle school I was very overwhelmed and vulnerable from the issues and problems I was dealing with. I didn't want anything in 8th grade to kind of detraumatize myself and this year I didn't want to do anything because it was my first high school year and I wanted to get used to high school first and then sophomore year I would try sports. But it turns out that my biology teacher asked me if I had any softball experience (he's a softball coach) and I said no and he said that he would really like me to tryout and so I did, i'm trying out also with my friend so that'll make it more fun! My biology teacher without knowing it kind of pushed me into it, my family during the summer and I kept refusing but something about him personally asking me made me think he wouldn't have asked me if he didn't want me to and didn't think I could do it. So it gave me motivation and confidence to try it and I wouldn't have had that if I just decided to try it without anyone besides my family and friends pushing me.

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