

Thursday, January 2, 2014

January 1st

Quote- "your beautifully and wonderfully made"
Demi's words- awhile back I decided I needed a mantra of my own, something that was personal and meaningful that I could tell myself to bring comfort and love as well as root myself in the present moment. The bible says " you are fearfully and wonderfully made" so I came up with " you are beautifully and wonderfully made". I say it to myself all the time, and it really helps me find peace knowing that I am perfect just the way I am and that I don't need anything beyond what I have within me.
Goal- In this new year, come up with a mantra that is just yours. Each day, look in the mirror and repeat it to yourself.

My own mantra is "don't believe everything you think", I think that's really important because for me I let my negative thoughts and feelings control me and that translates into destructive behavior. I do think if I get rid of those negative thoughts than I wouldn't have a eating disorder because that's what fuels it and same way with cutting so hopefully if I say " don't believe everything you think" I will start to believe it. I mean If I believe the positives as easily as I do the negatives I would be unstoppable. I think everyone feels that way.

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