

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Grandpa Jonas 1935-2014

My grandpa passed away almost 24 hours ago. I thought of so much I could d
Say in this post and now my mind goes blank,

He's had numerous cancers in his life and this one I don't know what type of cancer he had but while he was getting treated for it with chemotherapy he got pneumonia I'm assuming from the chemotherapy or just because he was so old that it was to much on his body. When we found out he had pneumonia he spent about a week in the hospital so about about a week ago he was just getting admitted and now were here a week later he's gone.. He stayed in the hospital for about 5 days and he wanted to go home and so it's called hospice care that took care of him it's like where a nurse is at the house around the clock. And apparently they can tell when he is going to pass like there's certain signs they look out for and one of the signs was he not only doing it at home but also at the hospital. When he was about to die the nurses told my dad and his brothers and my grandpas wife bev to come in and watch him take his last breathe.

I've never seen my dad like this. Ever. I'm really worried about him a
All of my uncles too but especially my dad.

I didn't know he died until my mom and dad sat is down to tell us while we were at my grandpas house we were there with my whole family and extended family. All of us were absolutely heartbroken. When my dad said actually said the words "grandpa passed away 2 hours ago" it didn't really hit me even when my brothers were crying I don't know I knew he died I don't think I was in denial I just had to process it. When I saw his hospital bed though and oxygen tank and then emotion really started to settle in for me.

I don't like to cry in front of people even my family not necessarily because I think it's a sign of weakness cause that's not true I don't know I just didn't really feel the need to until when I saw his bed sand the oxygen tank.  But I held it together until the end when my cousin and dad were talking and they were both sobbing and then that's when I started crying as we as everyone else.

My youngest brother took it the hardest I have never ever seem him cry this hard in my life (only when his fish and hermit crab died) but I think it's because he's so young and he understood that grandpa had gone to heaven but I think it hit him like a ton of bricks he literally wailed for about 30 minutes or more. He cried like that when he first found out but I think when my dad started sobbing was really what hit him. I think seeing your parents cry is kindof shocking cause we've always seen them as the rock and when they kindof I don't know show sadness it breaks your heart and I think it's hard for a 7 year old to take in.

My middle brother is like me we keep a lot of emotions in and my whole family is like that maybe that's where I get it from? But I mean it was sad seeing all the tears and mourning of everybody last night it was kindof overwhelming but also comforting to have all my family surrounding me.

He's amazing I mean I couldn't ask for a better grandpa. I'm so honored to be his granddaughter and I think all of us feel the same way were honored to have known him and have him a relation is a bonus! He's done so much for so many people and I love him for that

I think my drive and motivation to help and inspire people is because of him. I know he's in a better place he's dancing with the angels and his wife and his son and knowing he's not suffering anymore and no longer in pain makes me so happy. :)

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