

Saturday, February 1, 2014

January 25th

Quote- "strive not to be of success, but rather of value" Albert Einstein

Demi's words- it's so easy to get caught up in wanting success, wealth, and fame. If that's the kind of recognition you seek in life, it won't last because it's not authentic. We are here to be of service, to be of value, and to help others in our own unique ways. Success doesn't define who you are. It's only a reminder of what we can achieve.

Goal- Think about what matters to you and make sure you are doing things for the right reasons and not to please your ego, make sure your intentions are healthy for you.

This is so true, I mean I've strived for success all my life and wanting to be accepted for me and not just what others want me to be. I want to please people but doing that I often forget to do what makes me happy. I need to learn to listen to other peoples advice and things that they want me to do but at the sand time I need to do what I want and that will make me the most successful.

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