

Thursday, October 27, 2016

update 10/25/16

Hello everyone, you know the teacher who I had the "PTSD" response to? Well I had school today and so I obviously went to her class and it went well actually. The day before, Monday I was really nervous just because of what happened and all that.

She gave us back our tests that we took it was about checks and balances! Ewe! It's a personal finance class and I hate it! Anyways she gave us back our tests that I had to redo and I asked multiple questions and I wasn't that anxious about it which is new for me especially with her but I did it!

Guess what? Nothing terrible happened it's a miracle! Just kidding. If you have social anxiety or just anxiety in general you know what that feels like. I got the test done and I understand it now which is good because we have the last test of this chapter I think (yay!)

At the end of class she came to my desk to talk to me and she said "did your mom convince you that I don't hate you?" (the situation was discussed at conferences on Thursday.) I chuckled and said yes. Then she leaned towards me and whispered "ya know if a teacher really hates you, then they will most likely ignore you instead of trying to help you."

In my past it wasn't, he was actually very verbally abusive. That's not the point though, the point is that it was partially all in my head but she also acknowledged where she was wrong. It makes me feel good that I spoke up.

For any of you out there, when you know something is wrong or isn't going how you liked, speak up! It makes a world of a difference. Your voice is allowed to be heard and actually listened to.

Image result for speak up images

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