

Friday, April 22, 2016

Day 19 #30dayfreedomchallenge

What is one thing that you could do for yourself today that would be an act of self-love for yourself? 

Hanging out with friends is something that I enjoy. Also it gets me out the house which is always nice. More than anything though it brings me confidence in a way that I can't feel in regular life because I can't be myself. I'm afraid to be myself. I can't show the bitterness of my soul in front of my family. I can be weird and act goofy without rejection. I can wear shorts and short sleeves without fearing what they will think of my cuts.

Friends really keep me grounded. They remind me what I don't believe of myself. That I am worthy of someone to think I'm loveable.

Image result for friendship quotes

Image result for friendship quotes

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