

Saturday, January 2, 2016

reason for my hiatus

Happy New year everyone! I know I'm a little late and I didn't have a Christmas day post and I apologize for that!

I was sick Christmas day, it was after we opened presents and had my mom's family over for brunch but it still sucked! I was sick for about 2 days but I only threw up twice which is disgusting because I hate throwing up. The second day though was I think my body recovering and the fact that I didn't take my meds had more of a part then my actual sickness.

Then a day after I thought my sickness was gone my mom and I went to the movie Joy and it was actually pretty good! From the trailer it didn't look so good but I wanted to go somewhere so I thought why not and it was really good. I really like Jennifer Lawrence. Seeing her in a different role other than her normal action/hunger games roles was interesting.

Then on the 28th my mom, brother and I went to the mall to spend our Christmas money and I got a bunch of new clothes and I absolutely love them! I might show them on here, not of myself in them just the clothes. I really like them a lot and I also got cute clothes for Christmas as well.

That night is when it got a little rocky emotionally for me, both physically and mentally I would say. Since I've been sick and just with Christmas and everything I forgot to take my medication and also I think my body had more than it should have in 24 hours and so that night I was in a very manic state and I was feeling really up and jittery and I could tell I was acting different but I literally couldn't control it. My mom and dad were worried about me because they've never seen me act like that before. I've never seen myself act like that before. I couldn't really focus on a conversation at all because I was so jazzed up!

It's okay though, I'm all better now and I'm back to taking my meds at the right time and the right amounts and it's all good now.

The main reason I've haven't been blogging is because I got a new computer and have been transferring stuff from my old computer to my new one and getting my new one set up and all that and I absolutely love my new computer. It's still an HP but it's a lot nicer one.

I like how the keyboard types better too. I hope you all had an amazing Christmas and a positive New Year


  1. Aw I'm so sorry you got sick over Christmas. I hope you're feeling much better now. Take care! Happy New Year to you! Xxx

  2. Thankyou! You too! Yes I am feeling somewhat better, I still have a suck cold though. Happy new year to you!
