

Saturday, February 28, 2015

EDAW 2015: Not every person who has an ED receives adequate treatment

I've been terrible at keeping up with the topics that i want to talk about but i have enough time today so be prepared for about 3 topic posts about eating disorder awareness week. This is the last day of EDAW and i plan to make posts for today so everybody gets decent information. Okay so on to the topic.

1 in 10 men and women with eating disorders receive treatment. 

Only 35% of people that receive treatment at a specialized facility. 

These are very sad numbers... when i saw those statistics online i felt really sad maybe because i'm not one of them. I have a therapist who i absolutely adore, he's my favorite therapist i've ever had but is it enough to save me from myself? I wish i had a logical answer.
Eating disorders have the highest mortality rate of any mental illness which either results in medical complications from the illness or suicide. They're very secretive and manipulative. Alot of people receive therapy or see a nutritionist, possibly a psychiatrist but very few receive specialized eating disorder treatment until they are sick enough to prove to those who can't see inside your head.

That to me is so fucking unfair and it makes those who feel who are trapped by their ED but still at a healthy weight or at a minimal healthy weight at least feel like failures at the disease. Girls with BMI's of 13 at treatment centers seem to be more crucial than girls with a BMI of 18 (me). I don't even feel like i need treatment because i'm not sick enough. I'm not good enough at anorexia. I have to admit i'm at my lowest weight at the moment but i'm not on my deathbed, i'm not all skin and bones and physically i'm doing fine but keep in mind, this isn't a physical disease it's MENTAL, weight loss or weight gain are just the side effects.

Not everybody is forced to have a feeding tube down their nose confined to a hospital bed. I want to be sick, i want to be thin because that means i'm good at something. I'm finally good at something and no one can take it away from me.

Keep in mind no eating disorder is the same and no person is the same. Anorexia shouldn't have this stigma where you starve yourself until you're forced into a hospital. I'm anorexic. I eat to a certain number of calories a day and exercise purely to burn calories. 800 calories or above is a no no. I'm still healthy. I'm not dying. Most of all though, i don't want to be a misunderstood statistic.


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