

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Why is it so hard to set goals?

I think it's hard to set goals because we don't want to feel like crap and lazy if we don't achieve them, by the period of time that you wanted to or you just gave up in the middle of it. This is why i don't like New Years resolutions because if you think about it you can set a goal at any time you don't have to wait until the New year to start a goal. Also by setting them you are setting yourself up for failure because you push yourself so hard and you force yourself to have a time limit that isn't realistic for you.

Most of the New year's resolutions are physical and materialistic, i find when you set goals with no time limit and nothing that has to do with physical things such as focusing on improving your mind and actions without having your physical body be the prize. What if you had your goal be about yourself, non physical? Your mind? How would that feel?

It's hard to set goals because we are fearful that we won't be able to achieve whatever we set out to do. That's why it's important to set realistic goals with a time limit that would be right for you.

It's always good to set goals but in a healthy and productive way.

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