

Friday, January 16, 2015


If anyone wants to write about these journal topics i will put all of them down below ;) I will update them when needed or you can just watch Kati's videos.

  • Describe a time when you were brave
  • What's something you are trying to do?
  • What's something you think you cannot do? What can we do to start changing that thought?
  • What is something that is changing in your life right now? What can we do to ourselves to help us grow through it?
  • This is my life and my recovery! Don't compare it to anyone else. 
  • Each day this week write down 3 things we are grateful for
  • Set small, achievable goals and chart your progress. Why is it so hard to set goals?
  • What are 10 things that you would like to tell your future self now? 
  • How can we be gentle to ourselves today. Why is it so hard to teach ourselves how to be gentle towards ourselves?
  • Who are the people in your life that supports you and help you grow? Was it hard to learn these lessons? Why?
  • Who are the people in your life that support you and help you grow? Are we helping grow these relationships?
  • How to let go of stress
  • What is something you could do to brighten someone else's day
  • "We become what we think about." Earl Nightingale
  • Even on the worst days there's the possibility of joy 
  • The song "recover" by Natasha Bedingfield
  • What are your qualities? Who do you admire? 
  • Write a letter to your future self
  • Create a symbol that represents you. What is your symbol?
  • This is your life and this is your only chance to do it right
  • What challenges will/are you going to face today? Challenging ourselves
  • What is your one wish today? What can we do to start making that wish come true? 
  • What challenges your strength today?
  • Turn illness into wellness
  • Go out and do something this weekend that you would never do
  • What is one thing that helps you feel self-centered, grounded and content?
  • What is one thing you con let go of today? What's one thing you want to hold on to? 
  • Focus on small changes knowing they can make the biggest difference
  • Share one thing that you are going to do that instead of doing it perfectly you do it in balance. It is okay to be wrong
  • What is one thing you don't want to write about?
  • What makes you happy?
  • Make a list of things that you have control over vs. what you don't
  • What have you learned from your bad experiences? How have you changed and what are you thankful for during the process
  • When is a time when you feel really good about yourself? Is there something this week to make sure this happens again? Why did you feel good about yourself during that time?
  • What are you feeling today? Come up with three
  • Think about how could react in a healthier way
  • Take pictures of this weekend and journal about why you took them and what you were thinking about when you took them and if your feelings differ now
  • Think of one thing that isn't serving you now, and work to let it go
  • What storms are you working through right now? What have you learned? What storms have you overcome? What did you do?
  • What truly makes you happy?
  • Write 2 things you are doing to take you in the right direction
  • Be kind to other people today you never know who's day you could make
  • What is something about yourself that you are proud of?
  • What's the last thing you did that you were proud of? Have you thanked yourself for it? Do you talk to other people the way you talk to yourself?
  • What happiness looks like to me
  • Sunshine makes me feel...
  • What's something you can own up to?
  • When was the last time you had a good cry? Experiencing emotions are not weak
  • What if we gave ourselves our own holiday? What will it look like?
  • Do you put as much energy into your relationship with yourself as you have other relationships?
  • Focusing on the good in a bad situation
  • What do you do? What do you do for fun, school?
  • Where are you now? What have you overcome? How did you work through it?
  • When it feels like to not be "perfect"?
  • How have you fueled yourself today and how can you do more of it?
  • Take time for yourself this weekend
  • How can we give back to others around us?
  • Being courageous doesn't always show physically
  • What can you do to pursue your happiness?
  • Learning to go with the flow
  • Take Popsicle sticks take 6-8 strings and tie them together and write positive things about yourself and share them on social media
  • The more we speak up the more change will happen
  • Cut back on technology, computer phone and watching tv for 30 minutes today
  • The past is just a story we tell ourselves
  • Give back to others
  • Do something kind to someone and share what you did and if that experience changed your perspective
  • What story do you tell yourself?
  • Make a coping bank
  • What are 10 things that make you, you?
  • What qualities do you value most in friendships?
  • Life is unpredictable that's what makes fun, right? 
  • What are you afraid of? What can you do to overcome them?
  • If you could do one thing in your life knowing you wouldn't fail, what would it be?
  • Right now is a better time than any to change
  • Sadness and pain are temporary, always remember that
  • Music therapy. What does it mean to you? Have you tried it before? 

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