

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Journal topic: Who are the people in your life that support you?

My family and friends are the only people who support me and pretty much the only ones who ever will. I thank each and every one of them times and I would even go as far as saying that they have saved my life. I wouldn't even be here without my family, i would have given up a long time ago because without them i wouldn't have a reason to live. I'll start with my family, throughout my problems they have supported me and been with me through everything even when it was really hard for them to just watch me deteriorate. They haven't given up on me even when i could tell i was taking them down with me.

Even today my mom told me that she would rather have my problems than girls who i know that are snobby and are into drugs and just not good influences at all. I was kind of shocked to here her say that because i think the total opposite not what she thinks but what i think of myself like i wouldn't want to have a bad reputation but if i was someone else i wouldn't want my issues but i wouldn't want their's either but i do want to be accepted and popular like they are but honestly i just want to be normal.

My parents saved me from killing myself back in 2012 when i was sent to the hospital. My friends have been with me through my ups and my downs and even if they don't understand they listen and they care about me and that means a lot. My two best friends and I went through a really rough time back in 7th grade and it's actually all my fault, i'm not even saying that it's 100% my fault and I do take full responsibility for my actions. There was a point where Erin and I (the friend from kc) didn't talk for a month and it honestly was a very hard time in my life but honestly our friendship is better than ever and we're stronger together than we are apart and i love her so much and she loves me.

Don't give up those you love because later in life you could never imagine life without them :)


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