

Friday, January 16, 2015

Journal topic: What is something that is changing in your life right now? What can we do to ourselves to help us get through it?

The biggest thing that is changing in my family is my cousin is pregnant with her first baby, she got married in September but she's 30 so she wants to have a baby right away. My cousins wife already has two boys 2 1/2 and 3 he turns one 4 on the 24th! On top of handling two active boys we just learned that she is pregnant with triplets, yes i said that right TRIPLETS! This was 100% planned from her point of view but from the shock of their mom and dad it was most definitely not. She took medicine to have a multiple pregnancy, she already has 2 amazing kids and she had absolutely no trouble getting pregnant she gave gave birth to 2 healthy boys to term so why she decided to take a shot at taking medicine to induce a pregnancy when she knew most likely by how fertile she is to have multiples when her and her husband know their not financially stable by taking care of 2 kids but 5 all under the age of 5 is beyond me.

Yes i realize that was a bad writer thing to do, having a more than long run on sentence but oh well! :) They don't even live in a house to support 5 young kids nor do they have enough money to buy a house, they live in a duplex type thing is what my mom said and her mom lives with her just to pay rent for they have now! It's just really sad and unnecessary stress to be put under when it was preventable. I knew she was taking medication but not for multiples! I was shocked and still am. I feel bad for all of them. Yeah they're cute and little and fun to hold and stuff but all 5 of them are humans that require more than love and kisses.

I also feel bad for my cousin who is pregnant with her first because everyone will be focused on the big triplet belly. This is what my mom said and I completely agree. Also she was huge with just one baby i can't imagine 3! Just so much comes into play its different when you go on medication to help you get pregnant because you physically can't but having already 2 healthy kids i don't understand why she felt the need.

Also the babies being born premature is more than likely.

I know we will all love them as much as the boys but we all know it's going to be a struggle financially, physically and mentally we can't help but face the facts and the reality of what's happening when the babies are born.

I think my cousins think just because i'm 16 i don't know the logistics of having 5 kids under 5 years old but i do and it scares me as much as anyone else.

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