

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Hibernating from the flu

Hello everyone :) My brother and mom have been sick with the flu, throwing up and diarrhea but my other brother, my dad and i haven't gotten sick! Thank god because i absolutely hate puking. I've been downstairs pretty much all last night and today with the non sicky's :) They're starting to feel better though so that's good but my mom thought it would be a great idea to try to hug me since she was feeling "better" and i was like mom what are you doing? I don't think i'm going to get so that makes me happy :) to be shamefully honest i kind of wish i got a little bit of it cause you lose alot of weight from the flu... WTF?

Today i'm hanging out with my boyfriend, yes, the guy that i went out on a date with and hung out a couple times after that yeah we're officially dating which is nice :). I"m going over to his house today to hangout and then we're going to a movie American Snipper my mom really wants to see it too :).

He wanted to go to pizza hut lastnight and when i read the text my heart kind of stopped a little bit cause for the past 2 nights i haven't really been eating dinner because of everyone had a flu but i did have rice last night cause my mom made me cause she was making it for herself and i lied telling her what i "ate" for dinner and she knew i was bullshitting her lol :) at least i tried but it wasn't many calories so it's okay. My dad though brought home shakes for my brothers and mom and he got me one ya know the ones from quick trip i think they're almost in every quick trip and it was chocolate 580 calories! I drank 3/4 of it and threw the rest away and when i saw it in his hand i was like FUCK!! I hate drinking my calories i would rather have 580 calories of cereal than liquids. Actually probably not that much but ya know what i mean. 

That's what probably made me weigh more than i usually do when i weighed myself this morning but i have been maintaining for the longest time kind of lost some but nothing substantial at all. I'm excited to hangout with Derek today i should probably eat something before i go over there so i don't feel shaky and shit. Whatever lol :) 

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