

Friday, December 12, 2014

December 15th

Quote- "Patience is bitter but fruit is sweet." JEAN-JACQUES ROUSSEAU

Demi's words- Having patience in life can be so hard, whether it's with people in your life or if you want something in life so badly but you've been waiting for it so long. Sometimes people have to wait years or even longer before they get what they've been working toward. Trust that things will come to you when they are meant to and know that you truly be patient the rewards will be better than you could have imagined.

Goal- Be patient with those around you, you dreams, and above all-yourself.

I feel very impatient and confused when things don't go to the way i want them to because i have this idea in my head that everything in my life has to be according to plan and sadly, life doesn't work like that. That's why they say when you make plans God laughs. I don't believe in God but i highly believe that this statement is true. Working hard at what you want and what you believe in gives you the biggest reward as long as you don't give up.

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