

Saturday, November 1, 2014

November 6th

Quote-"We should regret our mistakes and learn from them, but never carry them forward into the future with us" L.M. MONTGOMERY

Demi's words- We already know that no one is perfect, but knowing that doesn't keep us from doing things we might feel badly about later. I've found in times like that it's best to come clean and own your mistake. People will be so much more forgiving and sympathetic when you are honest about it because they can relate. Even better, you will inspire them to do the same thing by showing them how honest and beautiful you can be without being perfect.

Goal- Tell on yourself today about something you feel badly about having done or said in the past month.

Throughout my life, i have alot of things i regret and wish i could take back but the greatest part in your own regrets and mistakes you can inspire others to not go that road. No one is perfect and that's something we need to remind ourselves daily. When we learn to accept our mistakes the more we can let them go and breathe a sigh of relief. I try to remind myself through my trials and triumphs that it will eventually get better and the things that seemed like the end of the world now isn't worth the time of day.

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