

Saturday, November 1, 2014

November 3rd

Quote-"Be kind to unkind people, they need it the most"

Demi's words- When you start observing strangers you will find that some people truly happy while others seem like they're angry at the world. Don't take it personally because those people are suffering on the inside. Think about the miserable-looking guy in line next to you or the security guy at the airport yelling at everyone; those people are obviously yelling because of something negative they are feeling on the inside. They need kindness the most likely be extremely touched you reached out even if they don't know how to show it. If you're vulnerable with them, they will most likely be vulnerable with you.

Goal- Today, respond to anger in a positive manner.

It sometimes hard having a filter when you're angry because all you want to do is scream and yell. It's important though to keep your cool because you never know how it will affect you in the future and it can lead to relationship problems later in life. Being positive and calm when you're mad at someone is hard but explaining your feelings to them will not be scary and tense because you will be able to talk to them rationally and calmly rather than being all tense and anxious.

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