

Saturday, November 29, 2014

December 4th

Quote-"I can be changed by what happens to me. But i refuse to be reduced by it." MAYA ANGELOU

Demi's words- Every experience we go through is there to teach us, to humble us, and to help us grow. There's no experience or person on this earth that should ever make us feel less. What happens in life will invariably change you-but don't let it bring you down. If someone ever makes us feel less because you are learning or growing, then it is only a reflection of their dissatisfaction with themselves.

Goal- Do not let anyone tell you how you feel.

You can't let bad times in your life determine the rest of your life. Every event in your life paves the way of who you are going to turn out to be. I'm guilty of having others determine how i feel. You shouldn't let other people determine your happiness or sadness. The only thing that matters is how you feel about yourself.

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