

Saturday, September 20, 2014

September 26th

Quote- "There is always an opportunity to turn a negative situation into a positive one as long as you are open to the possibility"

Demi's words- Every difficult situation i've experienced has ultimately changed me for the better. I've grown stronger as an artist and a human being and i have been able to advocate for others who are struggling to be heard. I can't tell you what a privilege it is for me to use my own pain to use my own pain to help people find strength and hopefully prevent unneeded suffering for many others. These positive rays of light were only able to come through the darkness because i allowed them to, because i was open to them, and because i didn't dwell on my past or my pain-i simply honored it.

Goal- Find something positive about a struggle you're facing and share it with someone else's struggling. They'll know something better is coming to them too.

I don't feel sorry for myself because of what currently is or what happened to me in the past because i can use it for something magical. Everyone goes through bad times in their life but i think it shows you how you look at situations when you have the power to say-this does not define me. I realize that to some extent it does but it's amazing when you are able to not dwell on your past but honor it by helping others. I love how Demi inspired me to show my motivation to show strong advocacy for mental health issues and from the things i have experienced. Wouldn't it be better to make something beautiful after a bad situation?

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