

Saturday, September 13, 2014

September 18th

Quote- "Nothing will work unless you do" MAYA ANGELOU

Demi's words- In order to bring the highest version of yourself to everything you do, you must be performing at your highest level. That means making sure you get enough sleep, eat well, exercise, meditate, and take care of your mind, body, and soul. Sometimes we think we have to show how hard we work by burning ourselves out, but i promise you it's so much better to find the balance. You will feel happier, you will be more productive, and your will be better.

Goal- Look at your life and find balance in all aspects and areas.

It's important to find balance your life out and prioritize the important things. It's often difficult to find balance because we have school, chores, sports, practice just alot of things happening at once and it gets overwhelming at times but it's always important to take care of yourself. My old youth group leader and since December her daughter got diagnosed with cancer. I'm not sure what kind but i know it's some type of leukemia. Mallorie's mom has a blog and she started writing shortly after Mallorie got diagnosed and she shares her posts on her Facebook page. Her most recent post was basically what Demi is saying, the pressures of life sometimes take over but we have to remind ourselves that in order to take care of and make others happy, you have to first and foremost have to take care of yourself. I know i, alot of the time don't take this into account and i'm definitively guilty of not listening to what my bodies telling me. Remember, in order to take care of others and do things you want to do, you have to take care of yourself first.

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