

Saturday, September 13, 2014

September 16th

Quote- "You are who your friends are"

Demi's words- I learned that the people i was surrounding myself with were direct reflections of me. I found that if they were using drugs while i was sober, a tiny part of me wanted to be friends with them because they were using. I had to learn that i couldn't be friends with people who are still active in their disease. I've had to cut people out of my life because they were bringing me down. Now that i am in recovery i make it a point to surround myself with positive people who have integrity and strong values.

Goal- What matters to you in a friend? Write down your values and virtues and makes sure that the people you surround yourself with meet those criteria.

Throughout my failed attempts at friendships i've had to take this into account on more than one fight or disagreement. I want friends who are honest and aren't two faced, which some of them are. I have no time for fake people and i'm not going to play the chasing game. I only found two people in my life who fit all my requirements. They're considered my sisters and that kind of explains my requirements in and of itself. I stay away from negativity as best as i can and i don't communicate with those who are somewhat challenged in the social area. Not because they're bad people but because i'm not going to put myself into a situation where i would be disappointed to where are friendships is headed. I love the two friends i do have and i hope one day i will meet at least one person who are clones of them or people who roughly fit my requirements. I don't give others the opportunity to screw me over and i'm finding that most people only like to stir up drama and i want a friendship that's more than drama. A friendship that will last forever and like a sisterly bond that will never be broken.

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