

Saturday, September 6, 2014

September 12th

Quote- "Even if you're right, the other person still has their side of the story"

Demi's words- No matter how confident you are that you're "right" in a situation, there's a good chance that the person you are in a fight or disagreement with feels equally confident that they're right. Often the reason fights become so complicated is because there's just one right answer or solution. It's two-sided and important to listen to all sides before anyone comes to a decision.

I like to think i'm right about everything, even stupid things that don't even matter. It comes from acting like failure because i wasn't "right" but there's no right answer to a side of a story. Everyone has their side of their story which no one should disregard no matter how hard you want to. I personally have a lot of experience with this and i find that you both need to have time to heal and cool down from the situation. Everyone deserves a second chance but it's important for you both to have time to slowly open the lines of communication again. Such as, like if you used to talk to this person every day, talk to them every 2 or 3 days. Then when you feel like things are starting to get better and you feel like your relationship is starting to get more stable. Listen to the other person's side of the story but don't disregard your feelings and thoughts on the situation. Friendships are two way streets and you need to put that into action.

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