

Sunday, September 28, 2014

October 3rd

Quote- "When you hate, the only person that suffers is you because most of the people you hate don't know it and the rest don't care" MEDGAR EVERS

Demi's words- Whenever i was getting over a breakup i used to spend most of my time filled with anger and hate. I didn't realize it ten, but i had so much toxicity in my life. I always wondered why my exes were able to get over the breakup faster than i was. Now i realize it was because i was spending so much time hating them rather than getting over it. Similarly when i was twelve and i was being bullied, i spent more time angry at the bullies instead of just taking the time to be loving and nurturing to myself.

Goal- Whatever struggle you are facing in your life, make sure you are not poising yourself with anger when you could be giving yourself love.

I've spent alot of time hating others because of what they've done to me. But i've never allowed myself to see their side and what i was doing wrong. I like to think i'm always right and i don't recognize my own faults because i'm so angry about what they did to me. I was hurting myself because i was so angry at them but actually it didn't really cause anything but more pain. I do have alot of faults but i'm getting better at recognizing what i did wrong and apologizing. That doesn't mean i'm not still angry about what they've done but i'm more at peace with the situation and it isn't weighing heavy on me anymore. It's important to value yourself as well as others because if you don't you'll never know what it's like to value yourself because you'll be so focused on other people.

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