

Friday, August 29, 2014

August 30th

Quote- "Your time is limited, so don't waste it on living someone else's life" STEVE JOBS

Demi's words- As i started success as an artist i would use the level of that success to measure my own happiness. But as i continued on this path i realized that there were so many ups and downs. i would never be happy with myself if i allowed other people's perceptions and opinions to define who i am. I'm so thankful that i have the strength and self-love to handle my highs and lows.

Goal- Find YOUR strength in self-love. And don't let other people's opinions define you.

Some people are made to feel like they should be like everyone else which isn't at all what we should be made to think. We are made to feel unique and beautiful because that's how we are made but somewhere along the way we get overshadowed by other people's perceptions and ideas of what we should be. The only thing that overpowers the negativity is loving yourself and being confident in yourself and what you are doing right at this moment. Self-love is most important and you shouldn't let anyone take away your confidence.

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