

Monday, July 7, 2014

July 7th

Quote- "When we count our blessings instead of our problems everything changes for the better"

Demi's words- After treatment, I realized that I had to change my way of thinking about so many things. One of the biggest changes was to focus on all that I had instead of all that I didn't have. The more I focused on my blessings and the things and people I was grateful for, the more those blessings and people began to show up in my daily life. When you begin to visualize and hold powerful imagery in your mind, it appears almost like magic. This is the most powerful gratitude.

Goal- Make a list of the top five people in your life you can go to for anything.

Friendships have always been a very hard thing for me. I have very few friends but I would prefer quality over quantity and that's most important in any relationship. I'm in the process of following what people I want to be around and ones who I don't. I have the power to say no to people how are a bad influence on me. I want to be around people who really care about me and have my best interest at heart. I love the friends I have and I am in the process of gaining others.

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