

Friday, July 11, 2014

July 19th

Quote- "You get in life what you have the courage to ask for" OPRAH WINFREY

Demi's words- People will come in and out of your life. Not everyone's going to know how to make you feel good, but don't get hung up on that-just let it go. The people who stay are the ones who make you feel wonderful. But don't rely on others to make you happy, because sometimes you will be disappointed.

Goal- If someone has let you down, ask yourself-Will this matter in a year from now? It'll help if you let go and gain perspective

This is something that I have more than enough experience with. Friendships that fallout may seem lvike the end of the world but from my experience if you give it time and allow yourself to heal you won't even think about that person anymore. I believe in everything happens for a reason and there's a reason why this relationship didn't work out you just have to believe in that and let time heal itself. Gaining perspective is the most important aspect in moving forward. If you really ask yourself-was this person the best for me? You will recognize the main things that lead to the fallout and the most important thing: you will know in your heart what the best thing is for you and the other person.

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