

Sunday, June 15, 2014

yet another heartbreak

Here comes the time when reality sets in that in about 5 days yet another friend of mine has jumped out of my nest and chose to live out on her own with no one left to call a friend. I feel like a mommy bird and having her babies leave the nest even though this isn't really a mommy situation it still feels like yet another person that means a lot to me is leaving the safe confines of us being together. This hasn't been easy for me to process, I think now that it's really happening in less than a week has suddenly brought up so many emotions that I have had the moment she sat me down while we were both crying and told me that she was leaving me. I haven't felt this much pain since the big announcement, now that's it's getting closer by the minute it feels more real and honestly it absolutely terrifies me the fact that another one of my close friends is moving away or the intense emotions I'm feeling and will encounter many days after her departure. It's not fair, I feel like everyone's leaving me, the people around me are slowly slipping away like sand running through my fingertips. I'm not looking forward to the actual day, she actually moves in 10 days but I'll be on vacation to the same exact place where I had a friend move several years ago, I remember the day i was on the boat with my family while my mom was crying and my dad asked why and she said "i'm just sad for her" i never really grasped the fact that she was now officially gone because i didn't want to put a damper on the family vacay. That goodbye was tough but I've been seeming to say goodbye to more people and more people these days and it's not a good feeling. Ever since that one goodbye, it seems like a chain reaction of people that are close to me leave. I expect it these days i guess it's the circle of life besides birth and death, it just happens. Those chain reactions of goodbyes seem to take a deeper and deeper wound in my heart knowing that pretty soon i'll have no one left and on June 25, 2014 my last sister will leave. I realize i might be dramatic and seem like this is a pity party, i don't see it like that, i used to but now i'm used to people coming in and out of my life and that's okay but it doesn't mean the pain isn't very well present. I'm acting like she's dying she's just moving, but when you've watched you're closest friends wave goodbye one after one you'll realize why i'm treating this post as an obituary. I just want her to know how our friendship saved me in a way, without my best friend Savannah here that moved 2 years ago i became quickly at peace because Erin and i were already friends but i was closer to Savannah. They're both still to this day my sisters and we always will be. I'm just scared that i'll never find a bond like Erin, Savannah and i have. i really am scared and sad to realize that i won't have my best friends here to do my makeup and hair on the morning of my birthday, I'm sad we won't get to listen on the school gossip because we'll obviously going to going to different schools. I've never been more scared than having no one to call my sister.

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