

Friday, June 6, 2014

unmotivation to update

Lately I have had no motivation to update on here but I thought I would cause probably most of your are thinking where'd she go? Anyway a lot of family stuff has been happening things that I can't really go into here but the one thing that I can say is I actually don't know what his relation to me is but my grandpa's (the one who passed away) twin brother so my dad's uncle. He's had respiratory issues for along time and I guess mixed in with old age it just all caught up to him. In 4 months after his twin brother died he ended up passing away 4 months later wow. I swear can the Jonas family like magically skip over the rest of 2014 and move on 2015? It's really sad and in a matter of 3 weeks my bestfriend who's been with me through it all is moving. I feel like everyone is leaving me! ughhh! To make matters worse I spent 8 hours in a drivers ed class yesterday and I didn't pass the written test! so i'm going to have to go back and take it again and honestly I seriously think I was the only one who didn't pass because they hand out these little slips telling you what times to retake and all that and I didn't see anyone else get one! Whatever I don't really want to drive anyway it scares the hell out of me.

On the bright side in 30 minutes demi's world tour tickets go on sale! yayyy! I'm so happy that my 2 favorite people are going to be with me! my sister/bestfriend but she's my sister and of course the one and only demi lovato! yay! It works out perfect cause my sister lives in Kansas city and demi's coming there! As you can tell i'm really excited and sunday i'm going to hangout with her and i'm really excited because I want to spend as much time with her as possible.

I'm also hanging out with a friend tomorrow which is cool we get in misunderstandings/arguments whatever you want to call them really easily and she easily pisses me off she knows my buttons. I hate that I have no one to connect to right now like Erin and actually it's scary. She's picking a fight with me she does it a lot like omg do you have anything else to do with your life? We literally have nothing in common and it makes me realize how good of a fit I am with erin and savannah and most of my friends. Whatever i'm over it I find that if I don't text her as much (she texts me 24/7 she's like a crack addict when it comes to me). I just want that connection when erin leaves someone that I know will be a good match and I don't have to fight for a friendship one that just comes naturally. I may be resentful towards this other friend because she feels a connection with me and I don't feel a sisterly bond connection that I am starting to crave no that it's getting closer and closer when my second family is gone. I feel bad that I don't have as good as a connection that she feels we do. I can't help how I feel. Everything is so up in the air and i'm just frustrated with life.

Can it be 2015 already?

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