

Sunday, June 1, 2014

June 5th

Quote- "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us." MARIANNE WILLIAMSON

Demi's words- It can feel very scary sometimes when you realize you are capable of in this world. Each of us is born with our own inherent power to accomplish extraordinary things in life. They say with great power comes great responsibility, so own your responsibility to do something wonderful with your life-cherish it.

Goal- Use what you have, your resources, to do something meaningful today.

I never imagined myself with the power of I have now. I never thought I would go this far that I would be a liar and a cheater. I didn't imagine myself to be this sneaky. I guess it's what addictions do to you. I have a lot of fears about the future, I've always been inadequate ever since I can remember. I never was secure with myself because I never got told that i'm good enough. I was made to think that i'm worthless because people treated me that way. When I was younger I didn't really care what others thought of me or how I was different from others but when I got older I started realizing that I am different from everyone else. I suddenly became insecure because I knew why I wasn't liked or was seen as different. I was and still ashamed of who I am.

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