

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

June 11th

Quote- "You don't deserve a point of view if only thing you see is you" PARAMORE "PLAYING GOD"

Demi's words- There are many people who walk around with big egos feeling righteous and more entitled than others. It doesn't matter where you come from how who you think you are, we're all human beings with beating hearts. A lot of times people judge others and assume that they're right, but you just can't assume your point of view is right. You have to be willing to see outside of yourself. There are many people in the world and if you're only asking yourself for answers, then living your life in a bubble.

Goal- Think twice before you feel like judging someone, put yourself in their shoes and remember they're entitled to their own opinions and perspectives. They see the world differently.

I'm very aware and conscious of what people think of me. I've been bulled since 4th grade and I've always been different from others so I guess I was always aware of people's perceptions of me were. You can either let people's opinions bring you up and motivate you to do or be better or bring you down and make you feel like a failure and you can't do anything. Opinions are just false perceptions because no one really knows you no one sees inside your world every day so they have no right to judge you if they don't really know you. I know people think of me as a shy and quiet girl, they judge me because they don't know me they don't know me enough to have a positive real perception of myself and my actions. No one deserves hate or judgement. Don't judge someone if you haven't walked a mile in their shoes you have no idea what they're going through or why they are what they are. When you walk a mile in their shoes than you can state a more understanding point of view.

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