

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

June 10th

Quote- "Don't wait around for other people to be happy for you. Any happiness you get, you've got to make it yourself" ALICE WALKER

Demi's words- You can't fully love anybody until you love yourself. As great as it feels being in a relationship, at the end of the day, if you aren't happy with yourself, having a boyfriend or girlfriend won't change that. You're only going to be with your significant other while you're awake. It's your consciousness that falls asleep on your pillow every night, not theirs.

Goal- Whether you're single or in a relationship, spend some quality time bonding with and getting to know yourself even better.

This is an interesting quote, right now i'm struggling to find happiness within myself I expect my friends to bring that happiness to me. I want my friends to make me happy I want to feel wanted in their presence and if i'm not or somehow am uncomfortable I feel sad because i'm not getting my needs met how I automatically expect them to be. My friends are teenagers as well and they're still learning as much as I am and I've realized that I can't expect my friends or anyone to make me happy I need to learn how to love myself the way I am and not having anyone fill that hole of happiness for me

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