

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

May 30th

Quote- You can't use up creativity. The more you use the more you have." MAYA ANGELOU

Demi's words- I remember after I wrote my first few songs I was worried that more might not ever come out. I didn't realize at the time the only way to experience more creativity was to just keep creating.

Goal- Don't be cautious with your creativity-let it out. Some of it will be extraordinary and some mediocre. Never stop trying.

I realize my personality isn't for everyone and to some people it will be just what they're looking for and to others they think i'm crazy. I shouldn't care what others think of me and I should let out my personality without fear. I shouldn't change my personality just because others don't like it or it's not the social norm. I don't really have the power to change me but people should just accept me for me and that should be enough for everyone.

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