

Wednesday, March 26, 2014


Past of lies, cheating and distrust
I don't have any reason
to trust anyone
this pile of blood
you see is my demons
and thoughts, it's not blood, its pain
when the memories
flood my head
the razor is there
when no one else is
when I want to quit
fighting my demons
my razor keeps me alive
Lingering thoughts consume me
what to be free
from my own mind
I want to be normal and perfect
will you show me how?
surviving on 500 calories a day
thoughts that never go away
please help me
save me from myself
I'm sorry
i'm not the person
you wanted to be around
i'm sorry i'm so imperfect
i'm sorry mom and dad
that you're stuck
with me forever
I know you would
choose any girl
but me
who would want
to be a screwed up
sister, daughter, friend?
I wouldn't i'm sorry the way I am
I truly am sorry
I hate myself
i'm such a disgrace to the world
i'm sorry mom and dad
you don't like me
who would want
a cutter and anorexic
as a wife?
I'll never be loved or accepted
friendships come and go
but some will always stay
but you, you know matter what
I love my friends
they teach me
to have fun, laugh and smile
I thank them
for getting out
of my disastrous mind
for a little while
I don't want to die
but if I was in a
life or death situation
I wouldn't choose life
i'm sorry i'm so difficult
so i'm going to save you
all the heartache
and go peacefully
the memories and lies
eating me up inside
I can't do this anymore
I want all the voices to stop
the after life
seems so much easier
then the hell of life
as the sun beat low
among the horizon
there was a girl
who stepped outside
to get away from everything
she found a 9 year old girl
named Ashley
she's a ghost
she says only herself
can see her
she says Ashley's
her only friend
Swirling leaves
danced around
as she played
with her cousins
and piled each other
in leaves
Beneath the stars and skies
is a world
we often don't understand
full of pain and heartache
and thoughts
swirling around in my head
filled with darkness
to remind me
of how lonely
and broken I really am.
Festive lights all around
between maples and oaks
I wonder like during the holidays
when everybody likes eachother
and we forget
pain and darkness
where life
isn't hurt or pain
I wonder
what it's like
to be happy
cause I forgot
what it's like
to be happy
to be happy
when i'm not supposed to
the empty park bench
and the stars bare branches
reminded him of life
being stripped
of emotion
and being numb
from them
he says
that tree branch will be him
when he's not
constantly numb
faces light up
filled with delight
as they see me
genuinely happy
and not numb
from my emotions
and they see me
a happy girl
and i'm actually
living not just surviving
crisp leaves cracked beneath
my feet as I was walking
peacefully around a pond
seeing nature
and smelling the air
a friend is a flower
they bloom each day
they're always
by your side
lost in the dark
or more rather
in a hole
and I can't see
my way out
lost in the dark
don't understand
please help me
find my way
back to life
I hate myself
i'm a terrible person
what's wrong with me?
I'm such an awful
disgusting human being
I don't understand
how anyone likes me
how can people like me?
when I absolutely hate myself?
I've lost myself
to this awful disease
it ruins people's lives
this disease called depression
no one deserves
to feel the pain
that i'm going through
I wouldn't wish this on anyone
it ruins your life in one second
can you take my problems?
I don't want them anymore...
help me, help me, help me
i'm destroying myself
and I don't see a way out
please help me
before I break
Nature can be a way
of expressing yourself
you can go outside
if you need time alone
to just get away
you also have a better attitude
and outlook on yourself
when you're outside
you can go
and do whatever
and go wherever you want
lost in a quiet moment
I lay there with darkness around me
Ana's grip is just too strong
I can't seem
 to make her strong grip disappear
she seeps through my veins
like poisin
sooner or later
she will send me to my grave
lost in a quiet moment
getting rid of my demons
blood on the floor
those are my demons
in a pile of blood
no I feel numb
the moment of bliss
matching the inside to the outside
physical pain
is so much easier to deal with
that's why I do it
to get rid of
emotional pain
that's why I cut
to feel something
but at the same time
to feel numb
it was only a year ago
when strange events began
that's when my demons
took over
stuck in a web now
I can't seem to be set free
where my blood on the floor
is my demons
stuck in a web
and you just get deeper and deeper
you don't see yourself living with it
you see that you are it
flowers all around
Friendships last forever
Chocolate waterfalls
That would be a perfect world
my thoughts control me
kids so innocent
waiting for Christmas morning
family, presents and decorations
I have such a love
for Christmas
love is in the air
people care so much
I often don't understand why
but i'm so thankful
thanksgiving is a time to be thankful
thankful for all we have
family friends and even heartache
because they shape us into who we are today
words he said to me
brought me down
like cement
so afraid
so scared
don't know
what to do
words he spoke
oh, those awful words
he spoke
the memories
are a dagger in my heart
the only way to get rid
of those awful words
is to dive in my world
of self-destruction
and drown in my pain
if you only knew
what I go through
on a daily basis
you would admit
to what you said to me
be a man
and say your sorry
but of course
you're not a man
you're a little boy
that is afraid
of getting in trouble
I suggest you grow some balls
oh wait,
you don't have any
sorry I forgot
cause if you did
you would apologize
I can't believe
I thought you would apologize
I hope you realize
what you've done to me
you probably won't
but you will one day
when we meet in hell
sitting here
so innocent
at that moment
I was just
a little girl
in a matter
of months I grew up
full of problems
memories and pain
that no 13 year old
should ever go through
let alone think about
a 13 year old girl
who was happy and excited
about life
now 15 years old
wishing her life
would end
love, a simple word
a word that we often
don't understand
we all want to be
loved and accepted
it's difficult
to find your way in this world
when this world is so big
so many people telling you
what to do and how to do them
finding our path
in this world
is challenging
you will get on the path
and get knocked off
but eventually
you will find your way
in this world
as the first, crisp breeze
of autumn blew...
all across the grass
blowing everywhere
kids playing
happily in the leaves
no worries
about anything
just playing in the leaves
without a care in the world
cold air
all around
cool breeze
blowing in our faces
fall is leaves
and cold air
pretty soon
it will be winter
fall is cool
fall is inbetween
winter and summer
not to hot
not to cold
that's what I love
about fall

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