

Saturday, March 8, 2014

march 8th

Quote- "The only way to have a friend is to be one" RALPH WALDO EMERSON

Demi's words- You can't expect others to treat you well unless you yourself treat people well. Sometimes you can't really know how to be a good friend until you need one. The golden rule is something we've heard a million times growing up-treat others how you want to be treated. It may seem cliché but if more people lived by that motto, the world would be a much better place.

Goal- Think about something you wish one of your friends would do for you and do it for them. Pay attention to the way you interact with others.

I wish my friends that have moved would text me more and I do text them but they rarely text back and one even lives in my state and goes to my school! I know it's not personal cause I'm used to it but she's my only true friend and it's upsetting and frustrating. I treat others the best I know how even when I want to stab them in the neck because I know what it feels like to get pushed around, but I feel like I should get the same respect back. Now that my only friend here is moving to Kansas city leaves me feeling empty and it's hard because she's my only friend here and I'm scared that I won't find anyone else like her because so far no luck and my Savannah was Erin now who will be my replica of her? I don't know it's just sad. I've always been kind to people even when they don't deserve it, I'm quiet and shy and for some reason people who don't even know me by me I guess that's the immediate target. It's just frustrating when all I am is nice and honest with people and I don't get anything back, I could cry if I think about it too long.

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