

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

march 12th

Quote- "There is a crack, a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in" LEONARDO COHEN ANTHEM"

Demi's words- So much beauty and joy in my life has come from going through something really difficult. When I emerge from the darkness, I am able to appreciate that it's over. The pain has made me grow and evolve into something better, stronger, and filled with more gratitude for all that my life has to offer. The light at the end of the tunnel can seem miles and miles away, but the more faith you have, the sooner you'll find it.

No life is perfect even when you got everything in the world, got the number one selling album on iTunes, have everything you want etc. We all go through struggles and we all handle them differently. it depends on your attitude and your thoughts on the situation. in the end you come out stronger.

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